Celebrate the rich tapestry of global cultures
The Servas singing group's objective is to celebrate the rich tapestry of global cultures by nurturing friendship and empathy through the universal language of music and dance.
Music is a shared language that resonates with our collective humanity
Members, alongside any Servas participant with a musical inclination, gather across the world to sing, dance, and play instruments together. Music serves as a unifying force, transcending divisions and fostering harmony. It's a shared language that resonates with our collective humanity, showcasing how, through melody and movement, we can forge connections that transcend borders.

Some memorable dates and occasions
1972: Barbara Whitehead, from Servas Britain, composed a song in Esperanto and English, that was adopted as a Servas anthem
1985: The first “Sentierinsieme” (Pathways together) meeting took place in the Alps, welcoming members from Italy and France. These gatherings feature evening sessions of communal singing and dancing. Over time, the Sentierinsieme tradition has expanded to include Switzerland and Germany.
1986: A Servas songs booklet called Cantare was published and distributed among the participants at the Servas International Conference in Rome. The booklet contains songs from all over the world. Later, a dedicated website was created to share the songs featured in it.
1989: The first Alpe Adria Meeting was launched, bringing together members from Italy, Austria and (then) Yugoslavia. This Servas tradition has since expanded to include other Central European countries such as Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia. These meetings are an opportunity to express peace by singing and dancing.
Connect with us
Website: Servas singing (google.com)
Facebook: Servas singing | Facebook