Past Events and Meetings


2022-10-29     Online The 5th Servas East Asia Online Meeting- Korea SIPR
2022-09-21 -> 2022-09-21 Online Non Violent Communication WS
2022-08-23 -> 2022-08-29 Italy Youth & Family Camp "We do believe in Peace"
2022-08-12 -> 2022-08-14 Germany 3. International Servas Ruhr Meeting + registration form
2022-07-04 -> 2022-07-14 Turkey Servas Peace School
2022-07-01 -> 2022-07-07 France           Pathway Together in Alps
2022-06-23 -> 2022-06-26 Czech Republic Servas by Bike  Registration form
2022-06-18 -> 2022-06-19 South Korea South Korea Meeting- Gwanghwado Island      
2022-06-12 -> 2022-06-19 Sweden Servas Art Workshop
2022-06-04 -> 2022-06-06 Switzerland Swiss Pentecost Meeting 2022
May 2022 -> October 2022 South Korea Historic Bike Tour(s)
2022-05-28     Taiwan Hakka Culture in Taiwan (online Meeting)
2022-05-27 -> 2022-05-29 Italy Servas in Water
2022-05-08     Israel 1st Meditarrenean Sea Online Meeting

2022-11-22->2022-11-28IndiaSICOGA 2022 (Servas International Conference and General Assembly)

(Part of the message sent to all members by the SI President, Mr Jonny Saganger) :

"The novel corona virus SARS-CoV-2 and the disease Covid-19 are causing human suffering all around the world and will keep on pestering our lives both in physical and mental medical sense for an uncertain length of time.

Servas has been hard hit by the pandemic, both on an individual humanistic level and as an organisation. Servas’ core activity – the hospitality program with homestay – will dramatically shrink during 2020 and maybe even longer, since both international and domestic travels have come to an almost full stop because of the restrictions laid down by the authorities. And people use common sense and choose not to move around more than necessary in order not to risk their own and other people's health. Other main Servas activities like events and meetings have of course also been postponed or stalled.  Servas continues to exist and the aim is to prevail as our organisation did during the financial crisis of 2007–2008 as well as other pandemics like the Asian Flu 1957–1958 and the 2009 swine flu.

As always, crisis moments also present opportunity. There’s a number of potential opportunities for Servas in the ongoing extremely painful upheaval, even though this will not be possible to grasp for the individual Servas members and their families who are effected in an immediate and tragical way. For the rest of us, who are not directly effected, it’s our responsibility towards them and our organisation to make the most and best out of the situation.

I have together with the other members of Servas International’s global board – SI Exco – agreed on the following motto: Servas doesn’t cancel – Servas adjusts.

Many of the opportunities that Servas should seize are driven by the increased intrest and possibilities for interactive digital communication and collaboration on web based electronic platforms. It’s also driven by the fact that the current medical need for physical distancing doesn’t mean that we need to distance ourselves from each other socially. As a matter of fact, it’s quite the opposite: The need for us to keep socially close is larger than ever."

We will try to keep you informed about International Servas Events. As this is a temporary situation, we will be updating this page as often as needed. Thank you!"

2021-06-13       ->2021-06-13                     Online/IndiaYoga and Midfulllness Workshop

2021-07-29 -> 2021-08-01 Italy   Servas Bike Meeting + registration form
2021-09-18 -> 2021-09-18 Online/US Virtual Showcase of Our Neighborhoods | US Youth Servas



2020-03-13 -> 2020-03-17 Spain International Collective Intelligence Course  CANCELLED
2020-05-30 -> 2020-06-01 Switzerland Pentecost Meeting  
2020-06-01 -> 2020-06-07 Turkey International SERVAS Peace School  CANCELLED
2020-06-29 -> 2020-07-05 France Pathways Together   CANCELLED
2020-07-02 -> 2020-07-20 Turkey International Servas Peace School (2)
2020-09-14 -> 2020-09-19 Colombia Servas Colombia and Latin America Meeting 2020  CANCELLED
2020-09-24 -> 2020-09-27 Italy

Servas by Bike 

2019-06-19 -> 2019-06-24 Russia Servas Russia International Meeting
2019-06-02 -> 2019-06-05 Turkey Training course for Servas volunteers
2019-07-06 -> 2019-07-21 Turkey Servas peace & cinema school
2019-07-26 -> 2019-07-28 USA The 2019 US Servas National Conference
2019-08-19 -> 2019-08-24 Russia  The 70th anniversary of Servas International
2019-08-25 -> 2019-08-31 Italy International youth & families working camp
2019-08-25 -> 2019-08-31 Spain Servas International Pyrenees trek
2019-09-01 -> 2019-09-06 India Servas India Ganesh Festival
2019-09-02 -> 2019-09-08 Spain Environmental Servas working camp (youth)
2019-09-09 -> 2019-09-13 Uganda Servas Africa regional & youth meeting
2019-09-20 -> 2019-09-22 Czech Republic Alpe-Adria meeting
2019-09-20 -> 2019-09-22 China Servas China annual meeting
2019-12-14 -> 2019-12-15 Indonesia Servas Indonesia Annual Meeting
2019-12-22 -> 2019-12-27 Israel

Christmas, Hanukah and Holiday of Holidays with Servas




Turkey, Bodrum (Gokova Gulf) | May, 14. to 18.

Mugla Bicycle Association and Servas Turkey invite Servas members to a bicycle tour around the Gulf of Gokova raising awareness to peace in the world, protection of community health and of the environment, the improvement of the quality of life, through the interaction between different cultures. Participants are invited to spend four days riding bicycles and enjoying nature at its best.
For more information, please click here.


Indonesia, Temanggung, Central Java | 8th and 9th December 2018

Servas Indonesia will hold its annual Assembly and is inviting worldwide Servas members to join. A weekend full of nice experiences which include a musical show with a local orchestra, and a full day tour visiting unique tradicional sites around Temanggung and the Dieng Plateau with the turquoise lake.  
For more information on how to register click here or write to the National Secretary of Servas Indonesia, Mr. Amin Sudarto - @email


France, Provence, Calanques Massif | 31st October to 4th November

Hard, difficult and medium hikes, for experienced travellers who enjoy nature, challenges and a peaceful atmosphere.~
Here is how to join (first registration between the 24th march).



South Korea, Seoul to Chun Cheon City | 21st to 24th October 2018

Just after the SICOGA 2018 (Servas International Conference and General Assembly) to be held, this year in the city of Seoul, South Korea, the participants who wish will be riding bicycles along the Han River, connecting people and cultures for PEACE.

 You can register and read more information about this beautiful and inspiring event here.

SICOGA 2018 | OCTOBER 2018

Servas International Conference and General Assembly

Korea Seoul | October 13th to 20th 2018

"Connecting people and cultures for Peace” is the theme for the next Servas International Conference and General Assembly (SICOGA) in Seoul in the Republic of Korea in October 13 to 20, 2018.
The SICOGA 2018 is fully booked by now and registrations are closed.



Servas members in the 2018 European Cultural Capital of LEEUWARDEN-FRYSLAN invite you to come to this city and enjoy several cultural events that will take place all year round. See here the invitation and if you are interested to know more you can contact hosts in Fryslan directly.



Belgium, Messines | 22-23 September 2018

Servas Belgium-Luxemburg and Servas France are inviting to a cross border gathering, for a triple commemoration: the end of First World War; the International Day of Peace (21. september) and the launch of Servas International 70th birthday. This meeting will take place in the nice town of Messines, Belgium. You can access more information here, and the registration form here. Please register before the 27th August.


Slovenia, Kobarid, September 14th to 16th 2018

Celebrating PEACE, and how countries, once at war, can be friends in the present and in the future, this meeting combines hiking tours with history. Come and enjoy the company of new and old friends, in this fantastic event.
See here how to join, and here how to register.


Germany, Ruhr region | 7-9th september 2018

Servas Germany welcomes you to the Ruhr Valley (west part of Germany), where you will embark on a journey through the country's industrial history, as well as enjoy the various beauties of the region's landscapes (in 2010, European Capital of Culture).

Here, you will find information on how to register and pay. Please fill in the registration form and send it by email before the end of april 2018.

Photo : International Servas Meeting of the Ruhr Region



Portugal, Vila Nova de Cerveira | August 26th to 1. september 2018

Servas Youth Spain, Servas Youth Italy and Servas Portugal as the host country have the joy to invite all young members (from 18 to 30 years old) to a fabulous week with lots of activities. We will celebrate the 70th anniversary of Servas, Bob Luttweiler's legacy, reflecting around the theme of free circulation of people, armed conflicts, the protection of the environment and much, much more.
You will find more details here. Be welcome!


Spain, Huesca, Parque Nacional de Ordesa | 25th to 31st August 2018

painting from Francisco Pellicer Corellano

For those who love trekking, sharing days and ways, here is a perfect opportunity to enjoy your passion in breathtaking natural surroundings: the Pyrenees. Please register only after the 5th june. Write to @email and check more information here (file in english, french, spanish and catalan)


China, Shennongjia city | 24-26th August 2018

For the third consecutive year, Servas China is holding its annual Assembly and making an open invitation to all Servas members around the world who wish to join. There will be interesting and exciting tours, in this beautiful place with breathtaking views.

We are going to visit the national park of Shennongjia, the Hydropower Complex of Three Gorges Dan and some local museums.

Please read more details and how to register here.

Welcome to the People's Republic of China!


Germany Allgäu | July, 6th to 12th 2018

Dayly excursions and day hikes, social activities, getting to know new Servas friends and meeting again old  friends, that's what it's all about...and much more. Be quick to register, this is a very popular activity, promoted every year by Servas from Germay, Italy and Switzerland.
For more information (in english, german, french and italian) and registration form please click here



Italy, Calabria | June, 1st to 3d, 2018

(photo from last year's edition)

Servas Italy welcomes you to a new and exciting experience...on bicycle. Enjoy the beauties of the Calabria (Cosenza) region, the Sila National Park, Cupone (power pole for responsible tourism and environmental conservation policies), Cosenza farmhouses, from the mountains to the sea. You'll be cycling an average of 45 kms per day.​ For more information click here. For registration, contact @email. Only 25 places available.


Russia Ural region | May, 25th to 31st 2018

(picture of  Krasnoufimsk, from TripAdvisor)
Servas Russia , with the support of the Krasnoufimsk District Authority, is honored and happy to invite you to its 1st Servas International Meeting:  "Exploring the unique spirit and rich culture of Ural."  
Check here for more information.
Please contact @email for more information and how to register. 


Spain, Baños de Montemayor/Cáceres | 28th april to 1st may 2018

This year's Iberian Meeting will take place in the village of Baños de Montemayor, in the province of Cáceres. For 40€ each person, all included, enjoy several activities like a trip through the old railway of the Via de la Plata, a visit to the medieval village of Granadilla, the wall of the Gabriel y Galán dam, the Jewish quarter of Hervás,city ​​of Béjar, etc. Write to @email for more information on how to register. It is advisable that you speak some spanish.


Spain Alcaraz | October, 12th (thursday) to 15th (sunday) 2017

Halfway between the mountains and the plain, enjoy with us a visit, climbing and trekking in the famous Cervante's "Don Quijote" and La Mancha region​.We will be lodged in the historic village of Alcaraz. More information in english, here.



Salvador, Bahia |  November, 2d to 5th, 2017

Servas Brazil and its Youth Commitee welcome Servas foreign visitors to its annual meeting. Salvador, the oldest capital in Brazil, is all about mouthwatering food, upbeat music, breathtaking landscapes and warm hearted people! For further information, and how to join, please send an email to @email



Lovina Beach, Bali | November, 25-26th, 2017

Servas Indonesia welcomes Servas foreign visitors to its annual meeting.Enjoy a performance of Bali dances and a sightseeing day tour that includes a visit to Banjar hotsprinngs and Gigit waterfall. More informations and how to register, please check here.

Let's discover diversity in Israel



Negev desert, Jerusalem, and much more | December, 17-26th 2107

Servas Israel invites you to a guided tour across Israel to see the diversity in the country, during the Holidays celebrations that include Hanukah and Christmas. You find more information here



NAGYHÖRCSÖKPUSZTA | December, 30th to January, 4th 2018

The very active Servas Youth Group invites all young Servas members (above 16yo) to a multicultural, fun party, with activities like free talkings, cultural programs, sauna everyday, tradicional hungarian games and mindblowing parties. If you wish to join, click here for more information and/or write to @email (Bogi Kovács)
Happy New Year!!!!!!




Prien on Chiemsee/Bavaria | September 22 to 24th, 2017

Nice Servas annual gathering at the Alpes and Adriatic region, in Germany, with guided tours and other activities.

Information in english, german and italian here.

Registration form here.


International Servas Week

All around the WORLD | September, 16 to 24th, 2017

Connecting Servas | Making connections with the world

Servas Innovation Group invites every Servas member and country to organise from 16 to 24 th september an event or more in order to spread the values of Peace, Solidarity Service, Hospitality and Understanding. We will also be preparing for the celebration of the 70th birthday of Servas in 2018.

Please write to @email for guidance and to include your activity in a common list of events around the world.

Check here for more information and reports from last year activities.


Servas Africa Regional Meeting


Kigufi, near lake Kivu | August 26th to 31st 2017

Participants will be debating the themes "Sustaining Servas in Africa, strengthening national nnetworks and building for the future".
For more information visit or contact @email


Spain, Benasque Valley, Aragoneese Pyrenees | August, 25-31st 2017



Trekking in the mountains, for medium and experienced levels. Venues in hostels and mountain cabins. For more information see here or write to : @email


Servas International Youth Camp

Italy, Brembana Valley (Bergamo)
From 20 to 27th august 2017. With the collaboration of Servas Spain Youth , Commitee the Servas International Youth Camp to be held  in Brembana Valley (Bergamo, Italy)
For further information and registration form, see here

USA Servas Conference "Making a Difference"


Washington DC

July 21-23 2017

More details soon at

Thailand's International Peace Action 2017

Thailand, Kohsak | July 16th, 2017

This is part of the (early) celebrations of the International Day of Peace (Sept.21st). We are going to do beach clean-up and snorkeling at Koh Sak (near Pattaya) together with a NGO called Love WildLife. Contact @email for more information and how to join. (



Alcocebre | july 8th to 15th 2017

Participants will stay in a camping place 50 mts from the beach. Alll activities will follow the theme "Music and Peace". For more information contact @email

To register:


LIVE WITH US, SHARE WITH US (Volunteers program)


Ekinci, Antioch | July 6th to 16th 2017

The whole (Servas) village welcomes the volunteers.Here, you will interact with children -  bring your games, your stories, your good mood. Language spoken is english.  Volunteers will have a couple of days free to tour around the region.More information, please contact @email

Sentierinsieme/Pathways together


Varaita Valley, Monviso mountain

From june, 30th to 5th july 2017. Daily excursions, trekking, sharing and partying.

Daily excursions, trekking, sharing and partying.

Servas Russia and International Bike Trip

Russia, along northern Volga coast, from Rybinsk to Yaroslavl

From June 10th to the 12th 2017. There will be a limit for 10 international Servas participants. 

For more information about the event and how to register, please see here (document attached).


Servas Cycling


Along the Isonzo valley and river, between the italian and slovenian border

1st-2nd-3rd-4th June 2017

More informations and pre-registration form

Servas Iberian Meeting


City of Oporto

29th april to 1st may 2017

further details later, will be announced on facebook page

Regional South East Asia Servas Meeting


in March 2017 contact Mr. Amin Sudarto (Servas Indonesia), further details later


Note: This page is reserved for international Servas meetings. National meetings are not included.

2016 April 29 - May 8: Servas Belgium-Luxemburg WWWak International Art Event

WWWak International Art Event Invitation
WWWak International Art Event Program
WWWak International Art Event Participation Form

2016 April 30 - May 2: Servas Spain and Portugal Iberian meeting, Caceres

More information: @email

2016 May 15-22: Servas Israel Water Meeting

Servas Israel is extending the deadline for registration to 15 February 2016, to allow more participants to verify possibilities and join. Write to : @email

Israel Water Meeting 2016
Israel Water Meeting 2016 Brochure
Israel Water Meeting 2016 Program

2016 May 21-24: Servas Argentina Cataratas Meeting

Meeting in Cataratas, everyone invited, but specially Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru
Itinerario Encuentro Servas Sudamérica 2016 CATARATAS
More information: @email

Note: This page is reserved for international Servas meetings. National meetings are not included.

2016 September 30 – October 2: US Servas North American Regional Conference, Portland Oregon

The theme is "Putting the Serve Back in Servas".

The conference program includes Keynote Speaker, Rita Golden Gelman, author of Tales of a Female Nomad, Living at Large in the World. Other program highlights — Using MeetUps to promote Servas; Using Technology in Travel; Women’s Travel Tips; Introducing Partner Organizations.


2016 September 30 - October 2 East Asia Servas Area Meeting, Buyeo City, Korean

Application deadline: July 31, 2016 Cost: US$300.
Meeting information
Registration Form

For more information, contact @email

2016 September 16 - 18 : Servas Germany, Ruhr Region meeting

Welcome Information
Registration Form

Thank you for the great interest in our meeting in the Ruhr area. All the places went really quickly and we’re completely booked up (with waiting list).
But we’d like to invite everyone who can’t be at the meeting to come and discover the Ruhr area at some other time.
We’re always happy to hear from you. Just get in touch with us: @email
Kind regards,
Heinz and Claudia Miebach
(on behalf of the hosts in the Ruhr area)

2016 September 9-14: Servas International trekking in the Pyrenees, La Seu d'Urgell (Andorra)

In Spain, France and Andorra, for everybody who likes mountain and trekking. 
More information: @email

2016 September 3 - 7 Servas Italy International in Apulia "Nature, Culture and Italian Flavours"

60 places for people aged 18-30 years; Registration deadline: May 31, 2016; Cost: 180 Euros per person


2016 August 24-31: Servas Sweden "Welcome to Sweden".

The event is fully booked with 30 participants coming from various countries.
More information: @email

2016 August 21-28: Servas International Summer Camp 2016, Puerto de Santa Maria, Cadiz

For youth and families. More information: @email      @email

2016 July 29-31: Servas South East Asia Regional Meeting, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

SEA meeting July 2016 Information

2016 July 20-25: Servas Romania Summer camp for Youth and families with children

Meeting Information

2016 July 6 - 16 Servas Turkey 8th 'Live with us Share with us' (Peace School)

Live with us Share with us Information
Application form

2016 July 1-7: Servas Italy Sentierinsieme (Pathways)


2016 June 2-4: SERVAS BY BIKE 2016 (Peace Riding along the Adriatic Sea, Ravenna & Rimini, Italy)

Preliminary program (Bike_2016_PRELIMINARY_program.pdf)
Complete information ( (version 2.0)
Servas International • 2025