Julie Cormack and Kent Macaulay (both Servas Canada), members of the SI UN (Servas International ate the United Nations) Team, are attending the TPNW ( Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons) meetings in New York, from November 27th to December 1st 2023.
Julie and Kent plan on meeting some Canadian government officials, some Servas NY hosts, some youth involved in peace issues, and people from Rotary, ICAN, and QUNO (the Quaker UN office in NY).
To know more about this "Nuclear Ban Week" at New York, please click here
Nuclear weapons are the most inhumane and indiscriminate weapons ever created. They violate international law, cause severe environmental damage, undermine national and global security, and divert vast public resources away from meeting human needs. They must be eliminated urgently.
To know more about the work of ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) please click here
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