About the General Assembly

2015 GA Motions

Decisions made at the General Assembly are called motions. According to the SI Statutes, all motions must be sent to the President six months before the start of the General Assembly. For the 2015 General Assembly, the final date for motions to be received is April 10, 2015.
After April 10, 2015, all motions will be organized into Subject Working Groups (SWGs) – in other words, they will be grouped together based on what they are about. There will be a volunteer coordinator for each of these SWGs, and any Servas member is welcome to join in discussions of these motions in the 6 months leading up to the General Assembly. The intention of this discussion is to make best use of the plenary sessions by clarify the motions, ensuring that they do not overlap or contradict each other, and generally preparing them as much as possible before voting.
At the Conference, there will be sessions set aside for face-to-face meetings of the SWGs, before the motions are taken to the plenary sessions.
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