Frieden und Verständigung
durch Reisen und Hosting

Contact Us


Please read the FAQs, most of your question will be answered here


Remember that Servas administrators are all volunteers and may not answer emails immediately. It may be faster to search for the answer in the FAQs. 


What is a Servas Group

A Servas Group is a local organisation, often on a country level. There may be more than one Servas Groups in a country or a Servas Group may be spread over more than a country. 

I want to know more about Servas

Information about Servas can be found under “Identity and Goals” on the website.

Some countries have websites with more information: see “Servas group websites” on the main page for your Servas group’s link.

How can I join Servas in my Servas group?

To find out how to join Servas in your Servas group or to contact a Servas group representative, click the “how to join" button on the main page. 
Select your Servas group from the list to get a contact form that will send a message to a Servas group representative or take you to a Servas group website.   

Your Servas group may also have a website with more details about the organization and the application process.


I am having trouble completing or editing my ServasOnline profile

  • Click on the “help” icon (blue and white icon with the words "help", "Ayuda", "Aide") at the top of any page on the website for a list of help topics
  • Still having trouble? Contact your local coordinator. (See also question 'I don't know who my coordinator is' above)

How do I get a Letter of Introduction (LOI)?

Contact your local coordinator. (See also question 'I don't know who my coordinator is' above)

How to get a LOI:

There are very few hosts in the country I want to visit or the profiles seem incomplete

Some Servas groups have not yet moved their lists to, or the basic host information is there but profiles have not yet been completed. You can see the status of countries by clicking on "list of Servas Groups" on the Find Members page. Contact your coordinator for a pdf host list. (See also question 'I don't know who my coordinator is' above)

The ServasOnline website isn’t working

  • If you think the problem might be that you are not sure how to use the site, contact your coordinator for assistance.
  • If you think it is a website problem, you can report it in the form below. Please give as many details as possible about what you are trying to do, and what happens. (See also question 'I don't know who my coordinator is' above)

I need information about Servas in my Servas group: (how to get an LOI, how to pay my membership fees, events in my Servas group) or how to get a host list for another Servas group whose members aren't listed.

If your Servas group has a website, there may be detailed information there.  If not, contact your local coordinator (see also question 'I don't know who my coordinator is' above) or write to "Servas group" (example:

How to get a LOI:

I want information about events in other Servas groups

Checkout events and meetings under the “Community” page on the website.

ServasOnline isn’t working

Complete the contact form, providing as much information as possible about what you are trying to do and what isn't working.

YOUR COORDINATOR - I don't know who my coordinator is / I don't have their contact information.

In many cases, you can find your local coordinator online:

  1. Log on to 'MyServas'
  2. Go to “Find Members”
  3. Search for Servas Group, Region, and “member type” = “Coordinator” 
  4. You can find their contact information in their profile.

If you can’t find a coordinator, send an email to "Servas group"  (for example:

If your Servas group has a web page, you may find information about the coordinators there.

I can’t login.

  • Check the URL of the website you are trying to login to: are you trying to login to your Servas group's website, or the Servas International website? (example: or
  • Has your email address changed?  You may be registered with an old email address.  Use the old address to login or use your username. Once you are logged in, change the address in "My Profile".
  • Have you paid your membership fees?  If you haven't paid your fees, your record may have been deactivated. Contact your coordinator or Servas group representative.   See also the questions below.  If none of these reflect your problem, complete the contact form. 

I forgot my password

Go to and enter your email address.

Alternatively go to the login page, and instead of entering your email or password in the form, click on "forgot password".  This will take you to another form where you enter your email address. 

You will receive an email with a link.  Clicking on this link will take you to a page where you can set a new password. If you don't receive the email, see the next question below.

I have been accepted as a member, but I haven’t received the email with the login link

  • Check your junk or spam folder. Mark the email as "not spam" and it should go to your regular email folder.
  • There may have been a spelling mistake in your email address. Contact your local coordinator. (See also question 'I don't know who my coordinator is' above)

Where do I find host lists for a Servas group that isn’t online, whose host profiles aren’t complete, or if members still want a pdf list.

All Servas groups are still expected to produce host lists and upload them to Dolphin. If you need help finding the lists or downloading them from Dolphin, complete the form, and we will forward your request to someone who can help.

How do I do any of the administrative tasks for my Servas group (examples, admit a member, produce a pdf host list for my Servas group from ServasOnline).

Instructions for most admin functions can be found by clicking on the Help icon on the Admin page.  If you can't find the answer to your question or need more help, complete the form, and we will forward your request to someone who can help.