- ⧉⌕Drupal\node\Entity\Node#1705 (30)
- Properties (30)
- protected entityTypeId -> string (4) "node"
- protected enforceIsNew -> &null
- protected typedData -> null
- protected cacheContexts -> array (0)
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- ⧉protected values -> &array (23)
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- x-default => string (5) "67826"
- ⧉type => array (1)
- x-default => string (7) "article"
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- x-default => string (36) "a42c663a-bd43-4441-a4be-1d9abeb20e45"
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- x-default => string (2) "en"
- de => string (2) "de"
- es => string (2) "es"
- fr => string (2) "fr"
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- x-default => string (1) "1"
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- ⧉x-default => string (10) "1720025794"
2024-07-03 16:56:34 UTC
- ⧉revision_log => array (1)
- x-default => null
- ⧉revision_default => array (1)
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- ⧉isDefaultRevision => array (1)
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- ⧉status => array (4)
- de => string (1) "1"
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- fr => string (1) "1"
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- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- ⧉title => array (4)
- de => string (38) "Servas Jugend "Friedensboot"-Erfahrung"
- x-default => string (36) "Servas youth "Peace boat" experience"
- es => UTF-8 string (59) "La experiencia del “Barco de la paz” de Servas Juventud"
- fr => UTF-8 string (52) "Servas Jeunes - expérience du " Bateau de la Paix" "
- ⧉created => array (4)
- ⧉de => string (10) "1501740847"
2017-08-03 06:14:07 UTC
- ⧉x-default => string (10) "1501395945"
2017-07-30 06:25:45 UTC
- ⧉es => string (10) "1501740863"
2017-08-03 06:14:23 UTC
- ⧉fr => string (10) "1501740798"
2017-08-03 06:13:18 UTC
- ⧉changed => array (4)
- ⧉de => string (10) "1718373698"
2024-06-14 14:01:38 UTC
- ⧉x-default => string (10) "1718373698"
2024-06-14 14:01:38 UTC
- ⧉es => string (10) "1718373698"
2024-06-14 14:01:38 UTC
- ⧉fr => string (10) "1718373698"
2024-06-14 14:01:38 UTC
- ⧉promote => array (4)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "0"
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- fr => string (1) "0"
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- de => string (1) "0"
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- de => string (1) "0"
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- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
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- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
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- fr => string (1) "1"
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- de => string (3) "und"
- x-default => string (3) "und"
- es => string (3) "und"
- fr => string (3) "und"
- ⧉content_translation_outdated => array (4)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "0"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- ⧉body => array (4)
- ⧉de => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3)
- ⧉value => UTF-8 string (2834) "<p>von Earlene Cruz</p> <p>Servas Jugendrepräsentantin bei der Hauptabteilun...
<p>von Earlene Cruz</p> <p>Servas Jugendrepräsentantin bei der Hauptabteilung Presse und Information der Vereinten Nationen</p> <p>Während es eine unzählige Zahl an Sommerprogrammen für Jugendliche gibt, hat das Friedensboot mir die einzigartige Gelegenheit gegeben nach Lateinamerika zu reisen. Durch die Linse der Nachhaltigkeitsentwicklungsziele (SDGs)* haben wir uns mit Regierungsvertretern und Bauern gleichermaßen getroffen. So etwas machen wir auch auf Ebene der Vereinten Nationen, aber dieses Mal waren wir mit den Menschen vor Ort und hatten damit eine greifbare Lernerfahrung.</p> <p>Wir waren bei dem Embera Quera Stamm in Panama und lernten, so gut es eben ging, was es bedeutet, nachhaltig zu leben. In Panama haben wir uns auch mit Mitarbeitern des UNDP-Regionalbüros getroffen, die darüber berichteten, wie die SDGs in Lateinamerika umgesetzt werden. An Bord des Bootes, haben wir ein Friedensforum mit dem Außenministerium von El Salvador veranstaltet.</p> <p>Als Jugendvertreter für die SDGs war ich eingeladen über die SDGs vorzutragen, mit denen ich mich am besten identifizieren kann. Außerdem führte ich Workshops über soziales Unternehmertum und Design Thinking durch, da diese helfen, die SDGs bekannt zu machen. Diese Erfahrung ergänzte meinen kürzlichen Masterabschluss in Lebensmittel-Studien und sozialem Unternehmertum.<br /> Das zeigt wirklich die Wichtigkeit und Autonomie, die Jugendlichen als Teil dieses Programms gegeben wird und für das ich ewig dankbar sein werde.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><img alt="" src="https://www.servas.org/sites/default/files/v1/uploads/news/2017/global%20goals.png" style="width: 558px; height: 640px;" /></p> <p><em>Earlene Cruz, Servas Jugendrepräsentantin bei der </em><em>Hauptabteilung Presse und Information der Vereinten Nationen schreibt über ihre Erfahrungen mit dem Friedensboot<em>. Foto: Javier Larios</em></em></p> <p>Fakten über die Nachhaltigkeitsentwicklungsziele (SDGs) und die Hauptabteilung Presse und Information (DPI) der Vereinten Nationen</p> <p>SDGs ist eine Abkürzung für die Nachhaltigkeitsentwicklungsziele (Sustainable Development Goals) der Vereinten Nationen. Die Hauptabteilung Presse und Information (Department of Public Information, DPI) wurde 1946 von der Resolution 13 (I) der Generalversammlung gegründet, um das Bewusstsein und Verständnis für die Arbeit der Vereinten Nationen zu fördern. DPI verfolgt dieses Ziel mithilfe von Radio, Fernsehen, Print, Internet, Videokonferenzen und anderen Medien.</p> <p>Die Abteilung berichtet jährlich dem Informationskomitee der Generalversammlung über seine Arbeit. Das Komitee, welches sich einmal pro Jahr trifft, ist verantwortlich die Arbeit des DPI zu betreuen und es in Bezug auf Politik, Programme und Aktivitäten der Abteilung zu führen.</p>
- summary => string (0) ""
- format => string (9) "gutenberg"
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3)
- ⧉value => UTF-8 string (2268) "<p>by Earlene Cruz, Servas Youth representative to DPI</p> <p>“While there i...
<p>by Earlene Cruz, Servas Youth representative to DPI</p> <p>“While there is an innumerable amount of summer programs for youth, the Peace Boat provided me with the unique opportunity to travel to Latin America “through the lens of the SDGs”* — we met with government officials and farmers alike, much as we do at the UN, but this time, we were on the ground with them, having a tangible learning experience. </p> <p> </p> <p>We stayed with the Embera Quera Indigenous tribe in Panama and learned, as best as one could, what it means to live sustainably. Also in Panama, we met with the UNDP regional office, which shared how the SDGs are being implemented in Latin America. On board the ship, we hosted a Peace Forum with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in El Salvador. </p> <p>As a youth scholar for the SDGs, I was invited to present on the SDGs that I closely resonated with, ran workshops on Social Enterprise and Design Thinking, as it is related to promoting the SDGs. The experience complemented my recent completion of aMaster’s degree in Food Studies and Social Entrepreneurship. This truly emphasizes theimportance and autonomy that is given to youth as part of this program, which I am eternally grateful for”.</p> <p> </p> <p><img alt="" src="https://www.servas.org/sites/default/files/v1/uploads/news/2017/global%20goals.png" style="width: 558px; height: 640px;" /></p> <p> </p> <p><em>Earlene Cruz, Servas Youth representative to DPI, writes about her Peace boat experience. Photo: Javier Larios</em></p> <p> </p> <p>Facts about SDGs and DPI</p> <p>SDGs is an abbreviation for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.</p> <p>The Department of Public Information (DPI) was established in 1946, by General Assembly resolution 13 (I), to promote global awareness and understanding of the work of the United Nations. DPI undertakes this goal through radio, television, print, the Internet, video-conferencing and other media tools.</p> <p>The Department reports annually on its work to the UN General Assembly's Committee on Information. The Committee, which meets once a year, is responsible for overseeing the work of DPI and for providing it guidance on policies, programmes and activities of the Department.</p> <p> </p>
- summary => string (0) ""
- format => string (9) "gutenberg"
- ⧉es => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3)
- ⧉value => UTF-8 string (2662) "<p>Por Earlene Cruz</p> <p>Representante de Servas Juventud ante el DPI</p> ...
<p>Por Earlene Cruz</p> <p>Representante de Servas Juventud ante el DPI</p> <p>“Aunque hay una cantidad innumerable de programas de verano para la juventud, el Barco de la Paz me brindó la posibilidad única de viajar a América Latina “desde la perspectiva de los ODS”* — nos encontramos tanto con funcionarios del gobierno como con granjeros como lo hacemos en la ONU, pero esta vez estuvimos en la tierra con ellos y tuvimos una experiencia de aprendizaje tangible.</p> <p>Nos quedamos con la tribu indígena Embera Quera en Panamá y aprendimos de la mejor manera posible lo que significa vivir sosteniblemente. También en Panamá nos reunimos con la oficina regional del PDNU (Programa de Desarrollo de las Naciones Unidas), que compartieron cómo están siendo implementados los ODS en América Latina. A bordo del barco presentamos un Foro de la Paz con el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores en El Salvador.</p> <p>Siendo una joven investigadora para los ODS, fui invitada a exponer sobre los ODS con los que guardaba relación de manera cercana y a montar talleres de Empresas Sociales y Pensamiento de Diseño, ya que esto está relacionado con la promoción de los ODS.</p> <p>La experiencia complementó mi recién finalizada Maestría en Estudios Alimentarios y Emprendimiento Social. Esto realmente enfatiza la importancia y autonomía que se le da a la juventud como parte de este programa, al que le estaré agradecida eternamente.”</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://www.servas.org/sites/default/files/v1/uploads/news/2017/global%20goals.png" style="width: 558px; height: 640px;" /></p> <p><em>Earlene Cruz, representante de Servas Juventud ante el DIP, escribe acerca de su experiencia en el Barco de la Paz. Foto: Javier Larios.</em></p> <p>Información acerca de los ODS y el DIP</p> <p>ODS es una abreviatura para los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas.</p> <p>El Departamento de Información Pública (DIP) se estableció en 1946, por resolución 13 de la Asamblea General (I), para promover la conciencia global y el entendimiento del trabajo de las Naciones Unidas. El DIP se compromete con este objetivo a través de la radio, la televisión, la prensa escrita, la Internet, las videoconferencias y otras herramientas mediáticas.</p> <p>El Departamento informa de manera anual acerca de su trabajo con el Comité de Información de la Asamblea General de la ONU. El comité, que se reúne una vez al año, es responsable de supervisar el trabajo del DIP y de brindarle orientación sobre políticas, programas y actividades del Departamento.</p> <p><em>Traducción: Romina Piscione, Argentina.</em></p>
- summary => string (0) ""
- format => string (9) "gutenberg"
- ⧉fr => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3)
- ⧉value => UTF-8 string (2679) "<p>Par Earlene Cruz, Représentante Servas jeunes à l’ONU (DPI)</p> <p>Bien q...
<p>Par Earlene Cruz, Représentante Servas jeunes à l’ONU (DPI)</p> <p>Bien qu'il y ait un grand nombre de programmes d'été pour les jeunes, le « Bateau de la Paix » m'a fourni l'occasion unique de voyager en Amérique Latine « avec l'optique des SDGs » (Objectifs de Développement Durable). Nous avons rencontré des représentants du gouvernement ainsi que des agriculteurs, comme nous le faisons aux Nations Unies, mais cette fois nous étions sur le terrain avec eux, ce qui nous a permis d'avoir une expérience concrète.<br /> Nous avons séjourné avec la tribu indigène Embera Quera au Panama et nous avons appris, autant que faire se peut, ce que signifie vivre dans une optique de développement durable. Au Panama nous avons également rencontré des responsables de la région pour le PNUD qui nous ont informés de la mise en œuvre des SDGs en Amérique Latine. A bord, nous avons organisé un Forum pour la Paix avec le ministre des Affaires Étrangères du Salvador.<br /> En tant qu'étudiante des SDGs, j’ai été invitée à présenter les Objectifs qui me tenaient le plus à cœur. J'ai mené des ateliers sur l’Entreprise sociale et le « Design Thinking », qui sont liés à la promotion des SDGs. Cette expérience a consolidé mon récent Master en Food Studies et Social Entrepreneurship. Cela a vraiment souligné l'importance et l'autonomie données aux jeunes pour faire partie de ce programme - et j'en suis très reconnaissante.</p> <p> </p> <p><img alt="" src="https://www.servas.org/sites/default/files/v1/uploads/news/2017/global%20goals.png" style="width: 558px; height: 640px;" /></p> <p> </p> <p><em>Earlene Cruz, représentante Servas jeunes pour UN DPI, décrit son expérience sur le Peace boat. Photo: Javier Larios</em></p> <p>Informations sur les SDGs et le DPI</p> <p> SDGs est une abréviation pour les United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Objectifs de Développement Durable).<br /> Le DPI, Department of Public Information (Département d'Information Publique) a été créé en 1946 par la résolution 13 (I) de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies, pour promouvoir la connaissance et la compréhension du travail des Nations Unies. Le DPI met en œuvre cet objectif par la radio, la télévision, les publications, l'Internet, les vidéoconférences et autres outils des médias.<br /> Le Département envoie un rapport annuel sur son travail au Comité d'information de l'Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies. Ce Comité, qui se rassemble une fois par an, supervise le travail du DPI et fournit des directives sur les politiques, les programmes et les activités du Département.</p>
- summary => string (0) ""
- format => string (9) "gutenberg"
- ⧉field_private => array (4)
- ⧉de => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (1) "0"
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (1) "0"
- ⧉es => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (1) "0"
- ⧉fr => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (1) "0"
- protected fields -> &array (0)
- ⧉protected fieldDefinitions -> array (29)
- ⧉nid => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1863 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (6)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1866 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "ID"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- read-only => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (3) "nid"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1867 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:integer"
- ⧉settings => array (6)
- unsigned => boolean true
- size => string (6) "normal"
- min => string (0) ""
- max => string (0) ""
- prefix => string (0) ""
- suffix => string (0) ""
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1863 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "integer"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉uuid => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1868 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (6)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1869 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (4) "UUID"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- read-only => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
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- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1870 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (15) "field_item:uuid"
- ⧉settings => array (3)
- max_length => integer 128
- is_ascii => boolean true
- case_sensitive => boolean false
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1868 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (4) "uuid"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉vid => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1871 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (6)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1872 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (11) "Revision ID"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- read-only => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (3) "vid"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1873 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:integer"
- ⧉settings => array (6)
- unsigned => boolean true
- size => string (6) "normal"
- min => string (0) ""
- max => string (0) ""
- prefix => string (0) ""
- suffix => string (0) ""
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1871 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "integer"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉langcode => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1874 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (8)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1875 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (8) "Language"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉display => array (2)
- Table (2)
- Contents (2)
options configurable view array (1) true form array (2) true - ⧉view => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (1)
- region => string (6) "hidden"
- configurable => boolean true
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (2)
- type => string (15) "language_select"
- weight => integer 2
- configurable => boolean true
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (8) "langcode"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1876 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (19) "field_item:language"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1874 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (8) "language"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉type => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1877 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (7)
- label => string (17) "Tipo de contenido"
- required => boolean true
- read-only => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (4) "type"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1878 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (27) "field_item:entity_reference"
- ⧉settings => array (3)
- target_type => string (9) "node_type"
- handler => string (7) "default"
- handler_settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1877 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉revision_timestamp => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1879 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (7)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1880 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (20) "Revision create time"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1881 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (47) "The time that the current revision was created."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (18) "revision_timestamp"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1882 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:created"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1879 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "created"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉revision_uid => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1883 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (7)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1884 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (13) "Revision user"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1885 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (50) "The user ID of the author of the current revision."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
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- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1886 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (27) "field_item:entity_reference"
- ⧉settings => array (3)
- target_type => string (4) "user"
- handler => string (7) "default"
- handler_settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1883 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉revision_log => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1887 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1888 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (20) "Revision log message"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1889 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (43) "Briefly describe the changes you have made."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- ⧉default_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (0) ""
- ⧉display => array (1)
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (2)
- type => string (30) "hide_revision_field_log_widget"
- weight => integer 80
- configurable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (12) "revision_log"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1890 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (22) "field_item:string_long"
- ⧉settings => array (1)
- case_sensitive => boolean false
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1887 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (11) "string_long"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉status => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1891 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1892 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (9) "Published"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- ⧉default_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => boolean true
- ⧉display => array (1)
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (3)
- type => string (16) "boolean_checkbox"
- ⧉settings => array (1) Depth Limit
- weight => integer 120
- configurable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (6) "status"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1893 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
- ⧉settings => array (2)
- ⧉on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1894 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "On"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1895 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (3) "Off"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1891 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉uid => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1896 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (10)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1897 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (11) "Authored by"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- translatable => boolean true
- default_value_callback => string (46) "Drupal\node\Entity\Node::getDefaultEntityOwner"
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1898 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (35) "The username of the content author."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- ⧉display => array (2)
- ⧉view => array (1)
- ⧉options => array (3)
- label => string (6) "hidden"
- type => string (6) "author"
- weight => integer 0
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (3)
- type => string (29) "entity_reference_autocomplete"
- weight => integer 5
- ⧉settings => array (3) Depth Limit
- configurable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (3) "uid"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1899 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (27) "field_item:entity_reference"
- ⧉settings => array (3)
- target_type => string (4) "user"
- handler => string (7) "default"
- handler_settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1896 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉title => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1900 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1901 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (5) "Title"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- required => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- revisionable => boolean true
- ⧉display => array (2)
- ⧉view => array (1)
- ⧉options => array (3)
- label => string (6) "hidden"
- type => string (6) "string"
- weight => integer -5
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (2)
- type => string (16) "string_textfield"
- weight => integer -5
- configurable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (5) "title"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1902 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (17) "field_item:string"
- ⧉settings => array (3)
- max_length => integer 255
- is_ascii => boolean false
- case_sensitive => boolean false
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1900 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (6) "string"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉created => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1903 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1904 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (11) "Authored on"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1905 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (47) "The date and time that the content was created."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- ⧉display => array (2)
- ⧉view => array (1)
- ⧉options => array (3)
- label => string (6) "hidden"
- type => string (9) "timestamp"
- weight => integer 0
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (2)
- type => string (18) "datetime_timestamp"
- weight => integer 10
- configurable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (7) "created"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1906 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:created"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1903 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "created"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉changed => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1907 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (8)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1908 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (7) "Changed"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1909 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (39) "The time that the node was last edited."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (7) "changed"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1910 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:changed"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1907 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "changed"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉promote => Drupal\Core\Field\Entity\BaseFieldOverride#1960 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (19) "base_field_override"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (20) "node.article.promote"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "0eedbad1-635a-418a-9f7c-97a6e025b326"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉config => array (1)
- 0 => string (17) "node.type.article"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (20) "node.article.promote"
- protected field_name -> string (7) "promote"
- protected field_type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (7) "article"
- protected label -> string (22) "Promoted to front page"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (2)
- on_label => string (2) "On"
- off_label => string (3) "Off"
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean true
- ⧉protected default_value -> array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => integer 0
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- protected fieldStorage -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- ⧉protected baseFieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1911 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1912 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (22) "Promoted to front page"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- ⧉default_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => boolean true
- ⧉display => array (1)
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (3) Depth Limit
- configurable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (7) "promote"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1913 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
- ⧉settings => array (2)
- ⧉on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1914 (5) Depth Limit
- ⧉off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1915 (5) Depth Limit
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1911 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉sticky => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1916 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1917 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (22) "Sticky at top of lists"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- ⧉default_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => boolean false
- ⧉display => array (1)
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (3)
- type => string (16) "boolean_checkbox"
- ⧉settings => array (1) Depth Limit
- weight => integer 16
- configurable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (6) "sticky"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1918 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
- ⧉settings => array (2)
- ⧉on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1919 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "On"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1920 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (3) "Off"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1916 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉default_langcode => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1921 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1922 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (19) "Default translation"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1923 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (58) "A flag indicating whether this is the default translation."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- translatable => boolean true
- revisionable => boolean true
- ⧉default_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (16) "default_langcode"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1924 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
- ⧉settings => array (2)
- ⧉on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1925 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "On"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1926 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (3) "Off"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1921 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉revision_default => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1927 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (10)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1928 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (16) "Default revision"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1929 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (72) "A flag indicating whether this was a default revision when it was saved."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- storage_required => boolean true
- internal => boolean true
- translatable => boolean false
- revisionable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (16) "revision_default"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1930 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
- ⧉settings => array (2)
- ⧉on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1931 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "On"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1932 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (3) "Off"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1927 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉revision_translation_affected => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1933 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1934 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (29) "Revision translation affected"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1935 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (72) "Indicates if the last edit of a translation belongs to current revision."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- read-only => boolean true
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (29) "revision_translation_affected"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1936 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
- ⧉settings => array (2)
- ⧉on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1937 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "On"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1938 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (3) "Off"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1933 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉metatag => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1939 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (10)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1940 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (40) "Metatags (Hidden field for JSON support)"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1941 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (38) "The computed meta tags for the entity."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- computed => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- read-only => boolean true
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- cardinality => integer -1
- provider => string (7) "metatag"
- field_name => string (7) "metatag"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1942 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (27) "field_item:metatag_computed"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1939 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (16) "metatag_computed"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉path => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1943 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (8)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1944 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (9) "URL alias"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- translatable => boolean true
- ⧉display => array (1)
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (2)
- type => string (4) "path"
- weight => integer 30
- configurable => boolean true
- computed => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "path"
- field_name => string (4) "path"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1945 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (15) "field_item:path"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1943 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (4) "path"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉menu_link => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1946 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (12)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1947 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (9) "Menu link"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1948 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (68) "Computed menu link for the node (only available during node saving)."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- class => string (35) "\Drupal\token\MenuLinkFieldItemList"
- translatable => boolean true
- internal => boolean true
- ⧉display => array (2)
- ⧉view => array (1)
- ⧉options => array (2)
- label => string (6) "hidden"
- region => string (6) "hidden"
- ⧉form => array (1)
- ⧉options => array (1)
- region => string (6) "hidden"
- computed => boolean true
- provider => string (5) "token"
- field_name => string (9) "menu_link"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1949 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (27) "field_item:entity_reference"
- ⧉settings => array (3)
- target_type => string (17) "menu_link_content"
- handler => string (7) "default"
- handler_settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1946 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉content_translation_source => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1950 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (10)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1951 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (18) "Translation source"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1952 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (60) "The source language from which this translation was created."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉default_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (3) "und"
- ⧉initial_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (3) "und"
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- provider => string (19) "content_translation"
- field_name => string (26) "content_translation_source"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1953 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (19) "field_item:language"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1950 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (8) "language"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉content_translation_outdated => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1954 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (10)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1955 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (20) "Translation outdated"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1956 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (66) "A boolean indicating whether this translation needs to be updated."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉default_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => boolean false
- ⧉initial_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => boolean false
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- provider => string (19) "content_translation"
- field_name => string (28) "content_translation_outdated"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1957 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
- ⧉settings => array (2)
- ⧉on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1958 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "On"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1959 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (3) "Off"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1954 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉body => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#1961 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (17) "node.article.body"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "69b53fcf-ca11-4132-a4fd-67eefc0b26ed"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- ⧉protected _core -> array (1)
- default_config_hash => string (43) "IjZnOLWk1Pjq3WRg2pLSA1ERh7Po7izCq_p6UztZr2c"
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (2)
- ⧉config => array (2)
- 0 => string (23) "field.storage.node.body"
- 1 => string (17) "node.type.article"
- ⧉module => array (1)
- 0 => string (4) "text"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (17) "node.article.body"
- protected field_name -> string (4) "body"
- protected field_type -> string (17) "text_with_summary"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (7) "article"
- protected label -> string (6) "Cuerpo"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (3)
- display_summary => boolean true
- required_summary => boolean false
- allowed_formats => array (0)
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean true
- protected default_value -> array (0)
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected fieldStorage -> Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig#1967 (33)
- Properties (34)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (20) "field_storage_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (9) "node.body"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "c94fbcf5-71ff-484d-887a-e4c191bf0441"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- ⧉protected _core -> array (1)
- default_config_hash => string (43) "EBUo7qOWqaiZaQ_RC9sLY5IoDKphS34v77VIHSACmVY"
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉module => array (2)
- 0 => string (4) "node"
- 1 => string (4) "text"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (9) "node.body"
- protected field_name -> string (4) "body"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected type -> string (17) "text_with_summary"
- protected module -> string (4) "text"
- protected settings -> array (0)
- protected cardinality -> integer 1
- protected translatable -> boolean true
- protected locked -> boolean false
- protected persist_with_no_fields -> boolean true
- public custom_storage -> boolean false
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉protected schema -> array (4)
- ⧉columns => array (3)
- ⧉value => array (2)
- type => string (4) "text"
- size => string (3) "big"
- ⧉summary => array (2)
- type => string (4) "text"
- size => string (3) "big"
- ⧉format => array (2)
- type => string (13) "varchar_ascii"
- length => integer 255
- ⧉indexes => array (1)
- ⧉format => array (1)
- 0 => string (6) "format"
- unique keys => array (0)
- foreign keys => array (0)
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉field_category => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#1962 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (27) "node.article.field_category"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "729a7d9b-ab92-4a19-ae76-6dd9b95055f6"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉config => array (3)
- 0 => string (33) "field.storage.node.field_category"
- 1 => string (17) "node.type.article"
- 2 => string (36) "taxonomy.vocabulary.content_category"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (27) "node.article.field_category"
- protected field_name -> string (14) "field_category"
- protected field_type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (7) "article"
- protected label -> string (16) "Content category"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (2)
- handler => string (21) "default:taxonomy_term"
- ⧉handler_settings => array (4)
- ⧉target_bundles => array (1)
- content_category => string (16) "content_category"
- ⧉sort => array (2)
- field => string (4) "name"
- direction => string (3) "asc"
- auto_create => boolean false
- auto_create_bundle => string (16) "content_category"
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean false
- protected default_value -> array (0)
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected fieldStorage -> Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig#1976 (33)
- Properties (34)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (20) "field_storage_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (19) "node.field_category"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "edacf76e-395e-4bc4-bb9f-b3bc2b6d0081"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- ⧉protected third_party_settings -> array (1)
- ⧉field_permissions => array (1)
- permission_type => string (6) "public"
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉module => array (3)
- 0 => string (17) "field_permissions"
- 1 => string (4) "node"
- 2 => string (8) "taxonomy"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (19) "node.field_category"
- protected field_name -> string (14) "field_category"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected module -> string (4) "core"
- ⧉protected settings -> array (1)
- target_type => string (13) "taxonomy_term"
- protected cardinality -> integer -1
- protected translatable -> boolean true
- protected locked -> boolean false
- protected persist_with_no_fields -> boolean false
- public custom_storage -> boolean false
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- protected schema -> null
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉field_main_picture => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#1963 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (31) "node.article.field_main_picture"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "01a7d86c-d891-4ee9-a331-cc2beca16691"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉config => array (3)
- 0 => string (37) "field.storage.node.field_main_picture"
- 1 => string (16) "media.type.image"
- 2 => string (17) "node.type.article"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (31) "node.article.field_main_picture"
- protected field_name -> string (18) "field_main_picture"
- protected field_type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (7) "article"
- protected label -> string (12) "Main picture"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (2)
- handler => string (13) "default:media"
- ⧉handler_settings => array (4)
- ⧉target_bundles => array (1)
- image => string (5) "image"
- ⧉sort => array (2)
- field => string (5) "_none"
- direction => string (3) "ASC"
- auto_create => boolean false
- auto_create_bundle => string (0) ""
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean false
- protected default_value -> array (0)
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected fieldStorage -> Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig#2005 (33)
- Properties (34)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (20) "field_storage_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (23) "node.field_main_picture"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "1741e8bd-423e-4ab6-9bc1-b7352f5d045b"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- ⧉protected third_party_settings -> array (1)
- ⧉field_permissions => array (1)
- permission_type => string (6) "public"
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉module => array (3)
- 0 => string (17) "field_permissions"
- 1 => string (5) "media"
- 2 => string (4) "node"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (23) "node.field_main_picture"
- protected field_name -> string (18) "field_main_picture"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected module -> string (4) "core"
- ⧉protected settings -> array (1)
- target_type => string (5) "media"
- protected cardinality -> integer 1
- protected translatable -> boolean true
- protected locked -> boolean false
- protected persist_with_no_fields -> boolean false
- public custom_storage -> boolean false
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- protected schema -> null
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉field_private => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#1964 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (26) "node.article.field_private"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "7813685f-e83c-476d-b6fb-57981a3261d0"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉config => array (2)
- 0 => string (32) "field.storage.node.field_private"
- 1 => string (17) "node.type.article"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (26) "node.article.field_private"
- protected field_name -> string (13) "field_private"
- protected field_type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (7) "article"
- protected label -> string (7) "Private"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (2)
- on_label => string (3) "Yes"
- off_label => string (2) "No"
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean true
- ⧉protected default_value -> array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => integer 0
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected fieldStorage -> Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig#2019 (33)
- Properties (34)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (20) "field_storage_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (18) "node.field_private"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "5adb1ce1-f703-41e8-9317-4dc413c312e0"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- ⧉protected third_party_settings -> array (1)
- ⧉field_permissions => array (1)
- permission_type => string (6) "public"
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉module => array (2)
- 0 => string (17) "field_permissions"
- 1 => string (4) "node"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (18) "node.field_private"
- protected field_name -> string (13) "field_private"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected module -> string (4) "core"
- protected settings -> array (0)
- protected cardinality -> integer 1
- protected translatable -> boolean true
- protected locked -> boolean false
- protected persist_with_no_fields -> boolean false
- public custom_storage -> boolean false
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉protected schema -> array (4)
- ⧉columns => array (1)
- ⧉value => array (2)
- type => string (3) "int"
- size => string (4) "tiny"
- unique keys => array (0)
- indexes => array (0)
- foreign keys => array (0)
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉field_related_page => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#1965 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (31) "node.article.field_related_page"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "8db7fbe0-dc8d-442d-98c6-d3572ec2c453"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉config => array (3)
- 0 => string (37) "field.storage.node.field_related_page"
- 1 => string (17) "node.type.article"
- 2 => string (14) "node.type.page"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (31) "node.article.field_related_page"
- protected field_name -> string (18) "field_related_page"
- protected field_type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (7) "article"
- protected label -> string (12) "Related page"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (2)
- handler => string (12) "default:node"
- ⧉handler_settings => array (4)
- ⧉target_bundles => array (1)
- page => string (4) "page"
- ⧉sort => array (2)
- field => string (5) "_none"
- direction => string (3) "ASC"
- auto_create => boolean false
- auto_create_bundle => string (0) ""
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean false
- protected default_value -> array (0)
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected fieldStorage -> Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig#2022 (33)
- Properties (34)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (20) "field_storage_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (23) "node.field_related_page"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "cae83297-ed3c-4849-b9ea-a1ba1253bc8f"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- ⧉protected third_party_settings -> array (1)
- ⧉field_permissions => array (1)
- permission_type => string (6) "public"
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉module => array (2)
- 0 => string (17) "field_permissions"
- 1 => string (4) "node"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (23) "node.field_related_page"
- protected field_name -> string (18) "field_related_page"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected module -> string (4) "core"
- ⧉protected settings -> array (1)
- target_type => string (4) "node"
- protected cardinality -> integer -1
- protected translatable -> boolean true
- protected locked -> boolean false
- protected persist_with_no_fields -> boolean false
- public custom_storage -> boolean false
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- protected schema -> null
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉field_servas_zone => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#1966 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (30) "node.article.field_servas_zone"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "ffb4a2f9-bf96-4cde-aeeb-92e7bc6c5c66"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉config => array (3)
- 0 => string (36) "field.storage.node.field_servas_zone"
- 1 => string (17) "node.type.article"
- 2 => string (24) "taxonomy.vocabulary.zone"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (30) "node.article.field_servas_zone"
- protected field_name -> string (17) "field_servas_zone"
- protected field_type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (7) "article"
- protected label -> UTF-8 string (14) "Región Servas"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (2)
- handler => string (21) "default:taxonomy_term"
- ⧉handler_settings => array (4)
- ⧉target_bundles => array (1)
- zone => string (4) "zone"
- ⧉sort => array (2)
- field => string (4) "name"
- direction => string (3) "asc"
- auto_create => boolean false
- auto_create_bundle => string (0) ""
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean false
- protected default_value -> array (0)
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected fieldStorage -> Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig#2026 (33)
- Properties (34)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (20) "field_storage_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (22) "node.field_servas_zone"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "e00a1b98-40c7-443f-96de-49b73237699d"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- ⧉protected third_party_settings -> array (1)
- ⧉field_permissions => array (1)
- permission_type => string (6) "public"
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉module => array (3)
- 0 => string (17) "field_permissions"
- 1 => string (4) "node"
- 2 => string (8) "taxonomy"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (22) "node.field_servas_zone"
- protected field_name -> string (17) "field_servas_zone"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected module -> string (4) "core"
- ⧉protected settings -> array (1)
- target_type => string (13) "taxonomy_term"
- protected cardinality -> integer 1
- protected translatable -> boolean true
- protected locked -> boolean false
- protected persist_with_no_fields -> boolean false
- public custom_storage -> boolean false
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- protected schema -> null
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉protected languages -> array (7)
- ⧉en => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#2037 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> UTF-8 string (7) "Inglés"
- protected id -> string (2) "en"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 0
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉fr => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#2039 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> UTF-8 string (8) "Francés"
- protected id -> string (2) "fr"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 1
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉de => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#2036 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> UTF-8 string (7) "Alemán"
- protected id -> string (2) "de"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 2
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉es => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#2038 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> UTF-8 string (8) "Español"
- protected id -> string (2) "es"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 3
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉it => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#2040 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (7) "Italian"
- protected id -> string (2) "it"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 4
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉und => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#2041 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (15) "Sin especificar"
- protected id -> string (3) "und"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 5
- protected locked -> boolean true
- ⧉zxx => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1865 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (12) "No aplicable"
- protected id -> string (3) "zxx"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 6
- protected locked -> boolean true
- protected langcodeKey -> string (8) "langcode"
- protected defaultLangcodeKey -> string (16) "default_langcode"
- protected activeLangcode -> string (2) "es"
- protected enforceDefaultTranslation -> null
- protected defaultLangcode -> string (2) "en"
- ⧉protected translations -> &array (4)
- ⧉x-default => array (2)
- status => integer 1
- ⧉entity => Drupal\node\Entity\Node#2047 (30)
- Properties (30)
- protected entityTypeId -> string (4) "node"
- protected enforceIsNew -> &null
- protected typedData -> null
- protected cacheContexts -> array (0)
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- ⧉protected values -> &array (23)
- ⧉nid => array (1)
- x-default => string (5) "67826"
- ⧉vid => array (1)
- x-default => string (5) "67826"
- ⧉type => array (1)
- x-default => string (7) "article"
- ⧉uuid => array (1)
- x-default => string (36) "a42c663a-bd43-4441-a4be-1d9abeb20e45"
- ⧉langcode => array (4)
- x-default => string (2) "en"
- de => string (2) "de"
- es => string (2) "es"
- fr => string (2) "fr"
- ⧉revision_uid => array (1)
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- ⧉revision_timestamp => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => string (10) "1720025794"
2024-07-03 16:56:34 UTC
- ⧉revision_log => array (1)
- x-default => null
- ⧉revision_default => array (1)
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- ⧉isDefaultRevision => array (1)
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- ⧉status => array (4)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- ⧉uid => array (4)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- ⧉title => array (4)
- de => string (38) "Servas Jugend "Friedensboot"-Erfahrung"
- x-default => string (36) "Servas youth "Peace boat" experience"
- es => UTF-8 string (59) "La experiencia del “Barco de la paz” de Servas Juventud"
- fr => UTF-8 string (52) "Servas Jeunes - expérience du " Bateau de la Paix" "
- ⧉created => array (4)
- ⧉de => string (10) "1501740847"
2017-08-03 06:14:07 UTC
- ⧉x-default => string (10) "1501395945"
2017-07-30 06:25:45 UTC
- ⧉es => string (10) "1501740863"
2017-08-03 06:14:23 UTC
- ⧉fr => string (10) "1501740798"
2017-08-03 06:13:18 UTC
- ⧉changed => array (4)
- ⧉de => string (10) "1718373698"
2024-06-14 14:01:38 UTC
- ⧉x-default => string (10) "1718373698"
2024-06-14 14:01:38 UTC
- ⧉es => string (10) "1718373698"
2024-06-14 14:01:38 UTC
- ⧉fr => string (10) "1718373698"
2024-06-14 14:01:38 UTC
- ⧉promote => array (4)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "0"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- ⧉sticky => array (4)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "0"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- ⧉default_langcode => array (4)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- ⧉revision_translation_affected => array (4)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- ⧉content_translation_source => array (4)
- de => string (3) "und"
- x-default => string (3) "und"
- es => string (3) "und"
- fr => string (3) "und"
- ⧉content_translation_outdated => array (4)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "0"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- ⧉body => array (4)
- ⧉de => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3) Depth Limit
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3) Depth Limit
- ⧉es => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3) Depth Limit
- ⧉fr => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3) Depth Limit
- ⧉field_private => array (4)
- ⧉de => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1) Depth Limit
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1) Depth Limit
- ⧉es => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1) Depth Limit
- ⧉fr => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1) Depth Limit
- protected fields -> &array (0)
- protected fieldDefinitions -> null
- ⧉protected languages -> array (7)
- ⧉en => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#2037 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> UTF-8 string (7) "Inglés"
- protected id -> string (2) "en"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 0
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉fr => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#2039 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> UTF-8 string (8) "Francés"
- protected id -> string (2) "fr"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 1
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉de => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#2036 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> UTF-8 string (7) "Alemán"
- protected id -> string (2) "de"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 2
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉es => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#2038 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> UTF-8 string (8) "Español"
- protected id -> string (2) "es"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 3
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉it => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#2040 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (7) "Italian"
- protected id -> string (2) "it"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 4
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉und => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#2041 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (15) "Sin especificar"
- protected id -> string (3) "und"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 5
- protected locked -> boolean true
- ⧉zxx => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1865 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (12) "No aplicable"
- protected id -> string (3) "zxx"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 6
- protected locked -> boolean true
- protected langcodeKey -> string (8) "langcode"
- protected defaultLangcodeKey -> string (16) "default_langcode"
- protected activeLangcode -> string (9) "x-default"
- protected enforceDefaultTranslation -> null
- protected defaultLangcode -> string (2) "en"
- ⧉protected translations -> &array (4) Recursion
- protected translationInitialize -> boolean false
- protected newRevision -> &boolean false
- protected isDefaultRevision -> &string (1) "1"
- ⧉protected entityKeys -> &array (4)
- bundle => string (7) "article"
- id => string (5) "67826"
- revision => string (5) "67826"
- uuid => string (36) "a42c663a-bd43-4441-a4be-1d9abeb20e45"
- ⧉protected translatableEntityKeys -> &array (8)
- ⧉label => array (4)
- de => string (38) "Servas Jugend "Friedensboot"-Erfahrung"
- x-default => string (36) "Servas youth "Peace boat" experience"
- es => UTF-8 string (59) "La experiencia del “Barco de la paz” de Servas Juventud"
- fr => UTF-8 string (52) "Servas Jeunes - expérience du " Bateau de la Paix" "
- ⧉langcode => array (4)
- x-default => string (2) "en"
- de => string (2) "de"
- es => string (2) "es"
- fr => string (2) "fr"
- ⧉status => array (4)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- ⧉published => array (4)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- ⧉uid => array (4)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- ⧉owner => array (4)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- ⧉default_langcode => array (4)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- ⧉revision_translation_affected => array (4)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- protected validated -> boolean false
- protected validationRequired -> boolean false
- protected loadedRevisionId -> &string (5) "67826"
- protected revisionTranslationAffectedKey -> string (29) "revision_translation_affected"
- protected enforceRevisionTranslationAffected -> &array (0)
- protected isSyncing -> &boolean false
- public in_preview -> null
- ⧉de => array (1)
- status => integer 1
- ⧉es => array (2)
- status => integer 1
- ⧉entity => Drupal\node\Entity\Node#1705 (30) Recursion
- ⧉fr => array (1)
- status => integer 1
- protected translationInitialize -> boolean false
- protected newRevision -> &boolean false
- protected isDefaultRevision -> &string (1) "1"
- ⧉protected entityKeys -> &array (4)
- bundle => string (7) "article"
- id => string (5) "67826"
- revision => string (5) "67826"
- uuid => string (36) "a42c663a-bd43-4441-a4be-1d9abeb20e45"
- ⧉protected translatableEntityKeys -> &array (8)
- ⧉label => array (4)
- de => string (38) "Servas Jugend "Friedensboot"-Erfahrung"
- x-default => string (36) "Servas youth "Peace boat" experience"
- es => UTF-8 string (59) "La experiencia del “Barco de la paz” de Servas Juventud"
- fr => UTF-8 string (52) "Servas Jeunes - expérience du " Bateau de la Paix" "
- ⧉langcode => array (4)
- x-default => string (2) "en"
- de => string (2) "de"
- es => string (2) "es"
- fr => string (2) "fr"
- ⧉status => array (4)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- ⧉published => array (4)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- ⧉uid => array (4)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- ⧉owner => array (4)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- ⧉default_langcode => array (4)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- ⧉revision_translation_affected => array (4)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- protected validated -> boolean false
- protected validationRequired -> boolean false
- protected loadedRevisionId -> &string (5) "67826"
- protected revisionTranslationAffectedKey -> string (29) "revision_translation_affected"
- protected enforceRevisionTranslationAffected -> &array (0)
- protected isSyncing -> &boolean false
- ⇄public in_preview -> null$0->in_preview