Peace and understanding
through travel and hosting

International Servas Youth Camp Nuremberg 17.-20.5.2024

Hello, I’m Bonnie from Taiwan. During this 4-day youth camp in Germany, I met wonderful people, learned more about Servas, explored nature, and discovered local history!

How did we start the youth camp? To my surprise, our accommodation was in a medieval castle! The historical ambiance suited me perfectly. Through the icebreaking activities, we got to know more about each other, such as our common interests, hobbies, travel distances, the year we joined Servas, and so on. One of the most memorable moments for me was our discussion on how to ensure everyone got along well during the camp. We talked about respecting personal boundaries, making others feel included, and understanding that English is not everyone's first language, so being supportive is essential. This small yet significant effort helped me feel comfortable being myself and allowed others the space they needed for “me time.”

What are Servas' core values and how did it start? To better understand Servas in terms of its history, core values, events, and volunteering, we had two sessions: an online meeting with the insightful Servas member Mr. Amir Levy, and an introduction to Servas events and volunteering presented by the Italian member Ester. Most of us had joined Servas for just a year or less, and for some, this youth camp was their first Servas experience. These sessions provided us with an opportunity to learn about Servas' background and ask questions for further understanding.

... To read Bonnie's full report, please click here